Now, I would like to make one very important distinction, because even though is has become widely accepted as fact that our thoughts create our reality, there is one vital, often overlooked piece of information that is the key to us creating the actual reality we choose.
Addressing our thoughts is not enough, it is the degree to which the subconscious mind contributes to the creation of our thoughts and therefore both our internal state and our external reality that is most important and mostly determines both what we create and the quality of our lives.
For this reason finding out what the subconscious beliefs are and changing those that do not serve us, to beliefs that do serve us is paramount.
Paramount if we are to create the reality our conscious mind wants. Let me explain. Our mental images and thoughts, which also includes our self talk or what we tell ourselves in our mind, creates our internal state and our external reality.

The reason is that most of us are still living by default.
By default, I mean that our habitual focus and directive is unconscious.
A good analogy of this would be that of a vehicle with two
people in it. The conscious mind is the driver and the subconscious mind is the
Both are sitting in the vehicle with the intention of
heading in a certain direction to a certain destination, and the driver thinks
that the passenger wants to go to the same destination. Seems fairly straight
forward doesn’t it.
But we, as the driver of our lives are not actually in control
of where the car goes or how it gets there and without realizing it, we go off
course.Who’s Driving This Baby Then?What the driver (or conscious mind) is
unaware of though, is that the passenger (the subconscious mind) is actually
doing the navigating and has his or her own agenda based on his or her beliefs.
Most of the trip the passenger (the subconscious mind) is
actually doing the navigating and choosing where the vehicle ends up, as well
as choosing the details and thus the experience of the journey.
This includes when or if the vehicle stops, whether they
pick up passengers or not, who the passengers are and sometimes when they are
even to get out.
As well as what direction the vehicle is taking and whether
they even get to the destination the driver is aiming for or somewhere entirely
In fact, sometimes the vehicle will just continue over the
same roads again and again not getting to the destination, or drive in circles,
or even stay parked!
When you read this analogy it’s pretty clear as to what is
happening in our lives at times. It’s then quite easy to laugh at ourselves and
our unconscious behaviors, once we become aware of what we are actually doing.
The results of our subconscious programming can become very
obvious and also the effect it can have on the quality of our lives.
It’s also a relief, because once we become aware, we can
make the necessary changes that enable us to put ourselves back into the
drivers seat.“Our subconscious mind must be reprogrammed if it is to
become our partner and ally on the journey of life, For us to create the
type and quality of life we truly desire and deserve.”
How & Why We Need To Change Subconscious Beliefs?
The subconscious mind is very powerful. It has a huge impact
on all areas of our lives. Sometimes the effect is beneficial, sometimes it’s
detrimental. This is why it’s so important to tap into it, to find out what
beliefs are actually doing the navigating in the different ares of our lives.
Then to change some of those beliefs, those that are not
serving our best interest, so the navigator is assisting the driver in a
beneficial way, and both are heading in the same direction and to the same
Stating or holding the intention to consciously direct our
lives is not enough. It needs to go deeper, with our intention being guided by
our own consciousness awareness that is in alignment with our subconscious
thoughts and beliefs, and/or guided by a Higher Consciousness that IS aware.
That’s why affirmations by themselves don’t work all the
time, although they can still be beneficial. They too need to be guided by a
higher awareness to work.
Therefore our subconscious mind must be reprogrammed if it
is to become our partner and ally on the journey of life, for us to create the
type and quality of life we truly desire and deserve.
Source: InnerOuterPeace
Source: InnerOuterPeace
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